by Ryan Robinson
Owner / Exec. Creative Producer
Option 3 Media
Over the years, I’ve helped hundreds of clients build a new company brand. Sure they’ve all created a great idea that people are just going to love, but most have no idea on how to get their idea off the ground and running.
After numerous, long, explanations telling others about “Brand Building”, and why it’s important to get it right from the beginning, I’ve come up with a simple and basic "house building" explainer. This idea came to me one day while I was outside working in my yard and I’ve been told that it makes for a good visual representation of building a brand. (Couldn’t agree more with these Really Smart People.)
Long story short…it starts with Concrete. (CUE THE TRUCK BEEPING AS IT BACKS UP!)
After numerous, long, explanations telling others about “Brand Building”, and why it’s important to get it right from the beginning, I’ve come up with a simple and basic "house building" explainer. This idea came to me one day while I was outside working in my yard and I’ve been told that it makes for a good visual representation of building a brand. (Couldn’t agree more with these Really Smart People.)
Long story short…it starts with Concrete. (CUE THE TRUCK BEEPING AS IT BACKS UP!)
Let’s start from the beginning. Close your eyes and picture a normal house. No, a normal sized house. Not the multi-million dollar mansion that you’d like to live in, but a small, normal sized house. Now, how did the house get there? Who lives in the house? If it’s for sale, do others know about your house? Before you share your new company idea off, let’s take the 1st Step and “pour the concrete” of your new Company Brand. With every new house that is built, a good, solid foundation must be laid down so the rest of the house stands strong.
The “concrete” of your Brand is coming up with a Memorable Company Name and URL address. If you have a potential company name already chosen, have you Googled it yet to make sure that’s its original and doesn’t copy another local entity’s name? Believe it or not, quite a few of my clients have come up with company names that already exist in the market place they wanted to be in. Not good. So come up with a name that is easy to remember and easy to read. Next, go to a website like “Godaddy.com” and try out various URL names that’s easy for people to remember and read. (NOTE TO SELF – Long URL names are not easy for people to read, write, type, remember, etc…so don’t use a long address.) After you’ve come up with a good URL name, you also need to know that .com’s (or .org if a non-profit company) are preferable when choosing your address, then .net extensions come secondary.
Logo Options include:
- Hiring an experienced graphic designer to create a professional one. (Probably most expensive solution, but worth it.)
- Using a site like “logotournament.com” to crowdsource multiple designers to create various logo ideas using a lower budget. (Not the most expensive solution, but my clients have lucked up a few times with some really good logos.)
- Lastly, if you just don’t have a budget for a nice logo design, then you can use Fiverr.com. (I don’t recommend this site for your logo, but if you’re desperate…something is better than nothing.)
- (NOTE – after your logo has been chosen, it’s best to create a “style guide” so that your logo design, colors, fonts, etc stay consistent for the years to come. Your LOGO is YOUR COMPANY and you will be judged by it!) Echo….echo…
If you talk with a company like mine (www.option3media.com) then we’re going to sit down with you and ask you everything about who your company is, what you do, and who you want to come to your website.
Think of it like this…your website is your Store. Sure it’s online, but it’s the place where you want people to go to find if they want to use your services, products, or source of information.
Things to remember for a new website:
- You want a clean website. You don’t want it to be jam packed with ads and pics.
- Your website is not an Encyclopedia Britannica so don’t cram it with endless amounts of verbiage. (Blogs like this not included in this statement.)
- Color scheme needs to match your logo and what you do. For example, if you’re a dentist you don’t want to use the color of Red as your primary color. Who wants to go to a dentist when all they can think about is blood?! So color is everything.
- Navigation needs to be easy to follow and utilized in multiple locations on the site for people to search your site more readily.
- Also, you need to be sure your Social Media Icons are on the site as well. The more social sites that point back to your website, the easier it will be for people to find you!
- (NOTE – if you add a really good video to your website, it will dramatically increase your website visibility through both SEO on Google and Customer Website Retention. In turn, giving you more opportunities to get new customers.
Obviously, building a new Company Brand is more involved than the just using the 3 Steps I provided you. However, I felt like if you know these 3 steps going in (with a few helpful tidbits of mine thrown in) then these steps will best be utilized for the foundation to building your new company brand. Good luck and I’m here if you need some extra help with anything creative! Unless it’s from that friend of a friend of friend that does stuff on fiverr because then you’re on your own with that one. Hahaha
by Ryan Robinson
Owner / Exec. Creative Producer
Option 3 Media
As a Creative Marketing Producer, I heavily rely on a team of individuals to produce the best product(s) that I can. Surrounded by Writers, Directors, Cameramen, Editors, Social Media Gurus and Website Designers; all coming together to give our best opinions on how something should be made correctly. Without that creative team, I'm limited / held back from making a project reach it's fullest potential.
And as Captain Kirk from Star Trek V once said, "I've always known I'll die alone." Now I'm not going to die, at least I hope not, but basically Kirk knew that he was at his best when he was surrounded by his crew on every adventure. I completely agree with this in the business world.
Let me give you a further example of what I'm talking about.
Recently, I had a long discussion with a business friend of mine concerning, "Teamwork versus Individual Work".
Basically he told me that his medium sized Accounting Firm employs 1 single person to head-up their entire Company's Marketing Department and he does his Marketing job very efficiently and better than most. A one-man band huh?
In other words, my friend thinks his Marketing Guy is doing a good job and on the surface, that may be.
But what if we dive in a little further and see what makes him so good and/or by a flip of that same coin...see what doesn't make him so good.
Now I for one know that everything I personally do can always be done better. I'm the type of guy that is never satisfied with my own work and strives to out-do myself on each and every project; "How can I make this better than the last?", type attitude.
But one thing that I am good at is a: 5 Minute Marketing Audit.
What's a 5 Minute Marketing Audit you say? We'll let's scroll this blog down a little more and figure this out together. That's called sharing. Any who...
Are you the type of person that can walk into a brand new home or an empty office space and envision everything it could potentially look like if done correctly? I am. Or at least my wife tells me that I am and I wouldn't dare argue with her! LOL
Basically, I take 5 minutes to myself and do a "Creative Assessment" in my head of everything that a company is doing right or wrong...creatively speaking that is.
Broken down, this is what it might basically look like in my head. Scary thought. I know.:
#1) Where in the World of a Google search can this company be? Do a simple google search of the company name or the industry / city it resides in. Is the company on the 1st or 2nd Search page and do they have a Google Business Listing? (Note - if they do have a Google Business listing, are there any reviews for that company either good or bad? If you can't find what page they're listed on...that's a problem, but keep note of their competition's pages and location...that might come in handy for you later.
#2) Does the Company have a website and has it been updated?
First, if the company doesn't have a website or look like a professional website designer has had his hands on the site (that's a big NO Pass Go, No Collect $200 type of Whammy moment!). Next if they do have a website, what does it look like? Do the colors all work together and is the site cleaning looking? Is the website easy to follow and navigate? Or is there so much verbiage on each page that it looks like Wikipedia on Crack? When it comes down to the nitty gritty...what is the overall goal of the site? Is it to educate, inform, or just be another ordinary website lump on log?
#3) Is there a Company Video near the top of the Homepage? Here's the deal, according to TributeMedia.com, the average user only spends about 7 seconds on your website before they move on to another site! What in the Holy Limp Biscuit you say? YUP... don't believe me? Start tracking how long you stay on each and every site you visit.
HOWEVER...stay with me here...if a company has a really good Company Video Production that averages approx. 2-4min in length than the new website visitor will not only watch the entire video, but will start browsing your entire site and become interested in who you are. Pretty cool right? I thought so too.
Also...do they have any more produced videos on the site or even a YouTube Channel? Website Videos also help SEO...especially YouTube videos. (Write that down.)
#4) It's time to get Social. While on the Homepage of the Company, do they have any Social Media Links? Which ones? Click them and then see if their social media pages are regularly being updated. Are there any reviews on those pages as well? Does the Social Media they have fit the business customers they're going after? If not....then socially speaking...this company is WAY behind your Neighbor's slowest curve ball....that means they're really SLOW.
#5) Finally we come to the Fifth and Final Question to ask yourself. Why is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir neither Mormon or a Choir? Deep thoughts here. But seriously, the 5th thing I usually try to determine is...is the site memorable? Spend a few hours away from the site and then start trying to remember the site. Who is this company? What do they do or sell? Did they appear to be trustworthy? If a tree were to fall in the woods with no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? I say No. The tree obviously falls in complete silence. Obviously.
There you have it, the 5 Minute Marketing Audit that wasn't brought to you in part by Geico as they are not affiliated in any way with myself, my company or my pet green talking lizard.
So what did we learn today kids? Search Google, Updated Website, Company Video, Socialization and a game called, Memory.
Oh and get yourself team. Nobody should have to go at it alone. But remember this, the cost of 1 single salaried "marketing" employee with insurance might end up costing you a LOT more than a Team of Experts that don't need insurance...at least not from you. Unless your offering insurance that is. And it's good one.
If you or your company have any questions about Marketing and want to know how to get the MOST Marketing Bang for your Bucks, please give me a shout! If not...then what in a motherless goat are you still doing here reading this blog to the very end. Time to get crackin' people!
Until next time....Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night.
3.63 Gigawatts of Blog Power!
Hopefully by now, you’ve seen the 1980’s movie, Back to the Future! If not, GO watch it! Please take the time, I don’t mind, better promise me, you’ll go back in time to watch it!
Okay, you're back! Everyone's watched the film now? Good! So in the movie, Doc Brown gets hysterical when he hears his recorded self tell Marty that they’ll need 1.21 gigawatts of electricity to power up the flux capacitor which is what makes time travel possible. So what's a gigawatt and how is that relevant to you? And how on Earth did we come up with 3.63 gigawatts? Let's find out!
Okay, you're back! Everyone's watched the film now? Good! So in the movie, Doc Brown gets hysterical when he hears his recorded self tell Marty that they’ll need 1.21 gigawatts of electricity to power up the flux capacitor which is what makes time travel possible. So what's a gigawatt and how is that relevant to you? And how on Earth did we come up with 3.63 gigawatts? Let's find out!
No no, I’m not talking about the 1.21 gigawatt drink here…although it does sound good! Turns out that a gigawatt is equal to one billion (10 9) watts or 1 gigawatt = 1000 megawatts. Now one may say that number is too scary to even think about because it’s too large and they don’t have time to do the math. Let’s face it, numbers can be scary; just ask some of your potential customers or go back in time and ask my former high school self! HA!
That’s right, just like Doc Brown, "some" customers can get hysterical when you send them your initial project quote for the 1st time and they believe that your Quote figures are too high for their business. So how, as a business, do you handle those types of customers? Do you get mad? Do they have point? Let's look at 3 Simple Steps to take when writing/submitting a quote to a customer.
1) A Price Quote is a Call to Action
This formal document is your pricing for a job or order and gives your customers a clear work cost. So prepare precise descriptions of the services you offer. No Hidden Costs. Be specific and to the point with everything that you are offering. Be honest, but DO NOT over promise things you can’t not full-fill. Lastly, assure your customers that your company is legit and highly rated in your industry. Who knows, maybe this will be the start of a brand new relationship... in turn, making them ambassadors to your brand.
2) Include a Surprise / Bonus in your Quote
Let’s face it, people like bonuses. I know I do! If you provide a little something extra in your quote (like an additional service or giveaway) that your customers were not expecting, it will help build positive emotions towards your brand…thus making the customers feel appreciated that you’re going the extra mile from what was originally discussed. Be unique, but keep in mind to target the customers business appropriately and thoughtfully. A little research goes a Long Way!
3) The FAQ Hot Zone
Personally, I’ve never met a customer that didn’t have a question or two after a quote has been submitted. This is generally where your customers are either having second doubts (if you've quoted fairly, this won't be the case) or they're just needing more information about your Quote. Steve Jobs once said, “Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected”. In other words, no matter the situation that will arise, your goal is to be professional, levelheaded and believe that you are offering an excellent service that is built on quality, but with a fair value.
There you have it; a Call to Action, a Surprise and the FAQ Hot Zone. These are just 3 Steps (a few of) that my company, “Option 3 Media” tries to implement for every customer that we deal with. I’ll let you in on a little secret, by treating our customers openly, honestly and with a smile at all times…most of our customers have become close friends over the years. And that’s how we took Doc Brown’s 1.21 gigawatts of power…we multiplied it by 3! See you on the other side my friends!
Ryan Robinson
Owner / Creative Exec. Producer
Option 3 Media
1) A Price Quote is a Call to Action
This formal document is your pricing for a job or order and gives your customers a clear work cost. So prepare precise descriptions of the services you offer. No Hidden Costs. Be specific and to the point with everything that you are offering. Be honest, but DO NOT over promise things you can’t not full-fill. Lastly, assure your customers that your company is legit and highly rated in your industry. Who knows, maybe this will be the start of a brand new relationship... in turn, making them ambassadors to your brand.
2) Include a Surprise / Bonus in your Quote
Let’s face it, people like bonuses. I know I do! If you provide a little something extra in your quote (like an additional service or giveaway) that your customers were not expecting, it will help build positive emotions towards your brand…thus making the customers feel appreciated that you’re going the extra mile from what was originally discussed. Be unique, but keep in mind to target the customers business appropriately and thoughtfully. A little research goes a Long Way!
3) The FAQ Hot Zone
Personally, I’ve never met a customer that didn’t have a question or two after a quote has been submitted. This is generally where your customers are either having second doubts (if you've quoted fairly, this won't be the case) or they're just needing more information about your Quote. Steve Jobs once said, “Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected”. In other words, no matter the situation that will arise, your goal is to be professional, levelheaded and believe that you are offering an excellent service that is built on quality, but with a fair value.
There you have it; a Call to Action, a Surprise and the FAQ Hot Zone. These are just 3 Steps (a few of) that my company, “Option 3 Media” tries to implement for every customer that we deal with. I’ll let you in on a little secret, by treating our customers openly, honestly and with a smile at all times…most of our customers have become close friends over the years. And that’s how we took Doc Brown’s 1.21 gigawatts of power…we multiplied it by 3! See you on the other side my friends!
Ryan Robinson
Owner / Creative Exec. Producer
Option 3 Media
In this day in age, most businesses by now are online, have a website and/or use some sort of social media either professionally or personally. But what makes a website stand out? What things need to be in place for a potential customer to find out more about who your company is, what services you offer and how you can help them to succeed, purchase, or get the answers they need?
Over the last decade we've slowly been seeing the decline of newspapers and magazines. A good part of that is because of the Internet Explosion/Expansion and how more and more of us are online. I'm also sure that a good part of that is economical in nature with people falling on hard times and cutting back certain resources each month.
But what if I told you that online videos were to blame and more people would rather watch funny cat videos on YouTube than read important stories in the Wall Street journal (paper or online)? Are online videos an advantage or disadvantage to businesses around the world? We'll get back to those questions in a bit so you can decide for yourself. Until then, here’s a Quick Snapshot of 3 Website Design Tips, brought to you in part by Geico. (Just Kidding!)
The Website Snapshot -
Over the years, I've talked with hundreds of clients about their websites...if they have a site at all. I've also researched thousands of online businesses and taken notes of things that look good or bad. So look out, you never know when I'm looking at your online business! Lol!
Basically, I've come to find a 60/40 split between those companies that do have great looking websites vs. those that have websites that look like they were created in 1991, the 1st year CERN published the very first website!
So what makes a good website you ask? Well if I went into every detail, we'd be here all day and as I’ve already told you that most people aren’t reading as much these days…I’d better get straight to the point then! HA!
So here are your 3 website essentials that you need to know to make a website start looking and performing right:
Over the last decade we've slowly been seeing the decline of newspapers and magazines. A good part of that is because of the Internet Explosion/Expansion and how more and more of us are online. I'm also sure that a good part of that is economical in nature with people falling on hard times and cutting back certain resources each month.
But what if I told you that online videos were to blame and more people would rather watch funny cat videos on YouTube than read important stories in the Wall Street journal (paper or online)? Are online videos an advantage or disadvantage to businesses around the world? We'll get back to those questions in a bit so you can decide for yourself. Until then, here’s a Quick Snapshot of 3 Website Design Tips, brought to you in part by Geico. (Just Kidding!)
The Website Snapshot -
Over the years, I've talked with hundreds of clients about their websites...if they have a site at all. I've also researched thousands of online businesses and taken notes of things that look good or bad. So look out, you never know when I'm looking at your online business! Lol!
Basically, I've come to find a 60/40 split between those companies that do have great looking websites vs. those that have websites that look like they were created in 1991, the 1st year CERN published the very first website!
So what makes a good website you ask? Well if I went into every detail, we'd be here all day and as I’ve already told you that most people aren’t reading as much these days…I’d better get straight to the point then! HA!
So here are your 3 website essentials that you need to know to make a website start looking and performing right:
1) A Great Looking Design – is essential for every website! The colors need to be appealing and consistent throughout the site. Your Site needs to be well branded and current with the latest design trends. So keep tuned to what others are creating and continually update your design. As for Pictures, make sure that all Pictures are either Professional Photos or Professional looking Graphic Designs. Either way, they need to be an integral part of the overall design, not sporadically placed in weird random places. Speaking of Design Trends, did you know that there are now 3 Times as many MOBILE Devices able to Access the Internet than PC’s?? Are You Missing OUT? Does your Website have Mobile Functionality across all Smart Device Platforms? If not, then you’re missing a LOT of Opportunities for your site to be seen. Both Designs of your Desktop Site and your Mobile site need to be consistent as well.
2) (Note to Self about Text)…DO NOT MAKE YOUR WEBSITE READ LIKE AN ENCYCLOPEDIA!! Meaning…your readers will not take 30 minutes out of their day to read every word on every page you have. With that said, the average person is only spending no more than 2 minutes on a new website before they make a decision as to keep reading or not. Also, the Text needs to be of a legible size so that your reader doesn’t need a magnifying glass to see the words. In other words, use a consistent, legiable font that’s easy to read. Don’t use fonts or scripts that would take a “Graphologist” (Word of the Day) to Decipher!
2) (Note to Self about Text)…DO NOT MAKE YOUR WEBSITE READ LIKE AN ENCYCLOPEDIA!! Meaning…your readers will not take 30 minutes out of their day to read every word on every page you have. With that said, the average person is only spending no more than 2 minutes on a new website before they make a decision as to keep reading or not. Also, the Text needs to be of a legible size so that your reader doesn’t need a magnifying glass to see the words. In other words, use a consistent, legiable font that’s easy to read. Don’t use fonts or scripts that would take a “Graphologist” (Word of the Day) to Decipher!
3) A Website Video is a MUST! That’s right, you heard me…you need to have a video on your homepage, somewhere near the top. Let me explain because here’s where the whole “fewer people are reading vs. watching” online videos come to play.
(2nd Note to Self) Website Videos serve several functions. A well-produced video will help to dramatically increase the amount of time a new viewer spends on your site. The average video needs to be between 2-4 minutes in length and needs to answer the “who, what, when where, why and how’s” of your company. By having a web video, it will entice your viewer to stay on your site after the video is finished and “read” (that’s right “read”) more about who and what you have to offer. Website Videos also typically trend to be at the top of a Google Search and if you’ve put your video on YouTube, then you can share it across all Social Platforms giving you an increase chance in new website viewership. Remember this…Most People Retain 95% of the message in a Video, compared to only 10% of what they Read in Text”! PS – If you include Positive Testimonials in your videos, then it will give your company the “Guarantee” or “Seal of Approval” that people look for. Here's a website video example that we produced: https://youtu.be/fOAx4LOYVvM
So there you have it, a Website Snapshot with 3 Basic elements that you need to remember and utilize for your company website. Earlier I asked if you thought website videos were an advantage or disadvantage to your business. Hopefully, from my website video tips above, you’ve realized that they are advantageous and that they are very helpful to retaining time spent on your site and used as a learning tool as well. If you have any questions about your Business Website or a Website Video, please feel free to give us a shout and we’d love nothing more than to help you and your business, not only look good, but give you the tools you need to potentially increase your bottom line.
Until then, you may continue to watch your funny, YouTube Cat Videos... as will I!
Owner/Creative Exec. Producer
Option 3 Media
(2nd Note to Self) Website Videos serve several functions. A well-produced video will help to dramatically increase the amount of time a new viewer spends on your site. The average video needs to be between 2-4 minutes in length and needs to answer the “who, what, when where, why and how’s” of your company. By having a web video, it will entice your viewer to stay on your site after the video is finished and “read” (that’s right “read”) more about who and what you have to offer. Website Videos also typically trend to be at the top of a Google Search and if you’ve put your video on YouTube, then you can share it across all Social Platforms giving you an increase chance in new website viewership. Remember this…Most People Retain 95% of the message in a Video, compared to only 10% of what they Read in Text”! PS – If you include Positive Testimonials in your videos, then it will give your company the “Guarantee” or “Seal of Approval” that people look for. Here's a website video example that we produced: https://youtu.be/fOAx4LOYVvM
So there you have it, a Website Snapshot with 3 Basic elements that you need to remember and utilize for your company website. Earlier I asked if you thought website videos were an advantage or disadvantage to your business. Hopefully, from my website video tips above, you’ve realized that they are advantageous and that they are very helpful to retaining time spent on your site and used as a learning tool as well. If you have any questions about your Business Website or a Website Video, please feel free to give us a shout and we’d love nothing more than to help you and your business, not only look good, but give you the tools you need to potentially increase your bottom line.
Until then, you may continue to watch your funny, YouTube Cat Videos... as will I!
Owner/Creative Exec. Producer
Option 3 Media
"The NeverEnding Story"
Every good story you read or movie that you watch has 3 basic elements: A Beginning, A Middle, and an End. Now that seems like a very obvious statement to say, but what if one of those 3 elements are missing? Could a "good" story still be told? What if there's a creation to everything and an end to anything, but there's not a middle thing? What would that look like?
I've always believed that everything I've written and Produced should be developed into these 3 same elements...from every Video Script, every Short Story, and every Project that I create. Over the years, I've come across all sorts of projects and have seen various companies missing one simple element...the Middle of their own story! That's right, there wasn't a Middle...only a Beginning and an End. What does that mean exactly when there isn't a Middle? Let's pretend that we want to start up our own company and we'll call it, "Twirly Birds". (You know, for kids!) And this is a company that is going to revolutionize the Hula-Hoop Industry by having a digital chip that makes the Hula-Hoop twirl on it's own without any assistance from our own bodies. Let's also say that it will play downloadable music and lights up too. Kids would love that! Right?! (PS - If this product is created after reading this blog, please email me a silent partnership agreement as I would like "my" cut! HA!)
A new Product has been born! We're now ready to make some sales, right? WRONG! We're still at the beginning and we've got a lot to do including everything from: raising investor capital, product engineering & testing, more engineering & more testing, pattens, trademarks, a website, more investor capital, forming a Sales Team, creating a Marketing, Branding and Social Media Plan....and everything in between. Sheesh, I'm worn out just typing all of this and we're STILL at the Beginning! Now, let's pause for a moment. How many new companies at this stage of the game do you think would've folded by this point; a few, most of them, or somewhere in the middle? From my experience, most new companies spend all their time and resources building a beautiful foundation, but forget that they need some walls, a roof, and some clear executable goals to reach their own endgame. Basically, without a 3 step plan of attack, our new "Twirly Birds" company will fail. Thus they had a good Beginning and an abrupt End, but no Middle.
Bye Bye Music Playing, Self Twirling, Hula-Hoop thingy!
How many of us are like that in our own lives and with our own business? Kind of makes you wonder what the Bible would look like without the middle huh?! In the beginning there was (dot) (dot) (dot) REVELATIONS! WHOA! Scary...let's move on!
Are you still at the Beginning with only and End in Sight? Let's get to the Middle of it all.
I've always believed that everything I've written and Produced should be developed into these 3 same elements...from every Video Script, every Short Story, and every Project that I create. Over the years, I've come across all sorts of projects and have seen various companies missing one simple element...the Middle of their own story! That's right, there wasn't a Middle...only a Beginning and an End. What does that mean exactly when there isn't a Middle? Let's pretend that we want to start up our own company and we'll call it, "Twirly Birds". (You know, for kids!) And this is a company that is going to revolutionize the Hula-Hoop Industry by having a digital chip that makes the Hula-Hoop twirl on it's own without any assistance from our own bodies. Let's also say that it will play downloadable music and lights up too. Kids would love that! Right?! (PS - If this product is created after reading this blog, please email me a silent partnership agreement as I would like "my" cut! HA!)
A new Product has been born! We're now ready to make some sales, right? WRONG! We're still at the beginning and we've got a lot to do including everything from: raising investor capital, product engineering & testing, more engineering & more testing, pattens, trademarks, a website, more investor capital, forming a Sales Team, creating a Marketing, Branding and Social Media Plan....and everything in between. Sheesh, I'm worn out just typing all of this and we're STILL at the Beginning! Now, let's pause for a moment. How many new companies at this stage of the game do you think would've folded by this point; a few, most of them, or somewhere in the middle? From my experience, most new companies spend all their time and resources building a beautiful foundation, but forget that they need some walls, a roof, and some clear executable goals to reach their own endgame. Basically, without a 3 step plan of attack, our new "Twirly Birds" company will fail. Thus they had a good Beginning and an abrupt End, but no Middle.
Bye Bye Music Playing, Self Twirling, Hula-Hoop thingy!
How many of us are like that in our own lives and with our own business? Kind of makes you wonder what the Bible would look like without the middle huh?! In the beginning there was (dot) (dot) (dot) REVELATIONS! WHOA! Scary...let's move on!
Are you still at the Beginning with only and End in Sight? Let's get to the Middle of it all.
Typically the Middle of a story deals with: a series of events or complications occur, leading to an increase in the tension. This is also where the characters change and grow as they deal with the conflicts they face. Some of the minor crises are temporarily resolved, but the story continues in the direction of a major crisis, or climax.
So how does this relate to your business? Breaking this definition down (a series of events or complications occur, leading to an increase in tension) we realize that this is where the plot or heart of your story really begins! In reality, the Middle is your actual starting point; Everything leading up to here, is just Prologue. Like a movie or TV show, in the middle, your audience starts following your story and your characters (or employees in this case). They begin to watch all the ups and downs of everything you're trying to say and in most cases, they decided to leave you if your story just isn't interesting to them at all. This is the time to kick your story and what you have to offer in high gear! Better make it interesting! :)
Giving your Audience what Really Matters
Do you remember when Movie Channels used to Premiere the latest new releases each week on Saturday night? I can remember waiting all week to finally make it to 7pm on Saturday night, hearing that oh-so-familiar HBO intro song, watching the new movie, and then discussing this good or bad film at work the following Monday. Many fun conversations were told and some brought about smiles...while others truly disagreed. Getting to the point...the Middle of your story is a place that all company's, new and old, should try to develop more. This is your primary point of conversation that your audience will talk about and will try to figure out where your employees will end up, how your story will reach its conclusion and if your company is worth buying into.
"Middle" Points to Remember-
1) Know "Your" Story! Real storytelling is about making your business standout or be unique. What are you really about?
2) Have a Persuasive Voice! Capturing the attention of your audience and keeping your story REAL is of the upmost importance. Keep it Real. Keep it Simple. Keep it Going. Don't ever stop! This is where your story becomes EXCITING!
3) Evolve! Just because your story has been told a thousand times, you need to keep developing your story and your brand to grow and/or maintain any type of long-term relationship with your audience.
So give your Audience what Really Matters and keep them on the edge of their seat wanting to hear more about YOU and what you have to offer. Who knows, maybe you'll create a new fan-base that can't wait for the sequel!
Well don't stop now...keep your dream going?
What is the key to your story?
Inquiring Minds want to know!
If you need help developing your story, please feel free to contact me and together we'll make sure your Voice gets heard!
"The Stuff that dreams are made of."
For those of you that already know me or are just now reading about me for the first time...my life has always revolved around movies and the dreams of being a filmmaker. From the original Star Wars and Back to the Future Trilogy's, to Close Encounters, The Last Starfighter, Tron, and Explorers (the list goes on); right from the beginning of my life, I knew I'd somehow be involved with Movies and Television when I grew up. And I was right! But I'll get to that later.
George Lucas once said, "Dreams are extremely important. You can't do it, unless you imagine it." As he had one of the biggest dreams of all...I tend to believe he was right. In today's world, society has basically divided itself into two primary categories, The Realist and The Dreamers. But which one should we be and which one are you? I know that for the first part of my life, without a doubt, I WAS A DREAMER. No doubt about it, I had big dreams for myself. I was going to grow up and become a famous Film Director and nothing was going to get in my way of that. Period. End of Discussion. (Wave of the Force Hand here) These aren't the Droids you're looking for. You can go about your business. Move along...move along.
I wish I had had a bad feeling about that when I was younger, because I should've known that I wasn't going to be the next George Lucas or Steven Spielberg.
With each passing year that went by, my Big dreams for myself kept getting further and further out of reach. Sure there were occasions that I went left, when I clearly was supposed to go right. There were also everyday life situations that clearly didn't help my dreams become a reality either. But I kept trying to stay involved in movies and television no matter what. By the time I reached High School, I began making short films and even volunteered at the local PBS Channel. I needed to keep my eye on the prize. I even went to MTSU and majored in TV Production with an emphasis in Digital Animation. Look out Hollywood and Pixar, here I come! After college, I became employed at the Shop at Home Network in Nashville; working my way up to Studio Supervisor. I figured that was a great place to learn about Studio Lighting...and it was. During my time there, life happened again...finding myself and pregnant wife of 9 months moving back to the city of my birth, Mobile Alabama. Decisions had to be made and it was time for The Realist in me to take control, settle down, have kids, a dog, mow the yard, clean the house. In other words, it was time to Stop being a Dreamer and become a REALIST.
Over the next several years, I went from working at a News Station to becoming an Educational TV Producer for a local school system. Along the way, I had some great learning experiences and made some wonderful friends. However, I still wasn't the Famous Man I originally dreamt I'd be at this point in my life.
Yes I settled down, have an awesome family and live on one of The Most Beautiful Islands in the Southeast United States....Orange Beach, Alabama. But something inside me was and is still motivating me to keep my Dreams Alive even today. You see, I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. Every crazy job we do, every new friend we make along the way...happens for a reason. It was time for me to take a stand and become a DREAMER again.
I launched the 1st ever Fairhope Film Festival. If I couldn't go to Hollywood, I would bring Hollywood to me. This festival was a blast! It was everything I had dreamt for so long. I met Actors, Directors, Writers and Producers. I met film fanatics like me whom we had so much in common. I was finally one giant step closer to reaching my End Goal and the festival went off without a single hitch. I had a success on my hands. Then...the Economy collapsed. The 2008 Recession was in full swing. My film festival and my new dream came to a sudden halt. Dream Over.
Ever since, my straight and easy path to Stardom, that I foresaw as a kid, has become a twisted, tangled labyrinth that's been continuously winding around and around thru adulthood. There were a lot of low times as finding a job in my field was non-existent. FACT - I went to an employment agency for career suggestions. I was told..."You need to move far away or change careers, because your field of expertise doesn't exist in this state." Wow, I couldn't believe that I was told to dream somewhere else or stop dreaming all together. Something needed to be done and fast.
After a brief stint at a local tourism channel in Gulf Shores, my new media company, "Option 3 Media" was born. Here at O3M, we've done everything from Commercials, Documentaries, Music Videos, Corporate Videos and Educational Videos too. All we have left on bucket list that has yet to be fulfilled...Film! (But don't worry...I'm on my 2nd feature Script). :)
Now I frequently get asked, "What does Option 3 mean?" So growing up, I was always told that I had basically 2 Options to choose from. I could either wear this shirt or that shirt, eat this or that and so on and so on. But I didn't like having only 2 options to choose from...I wanted a 3rd Option; Something that always seemed unattainable, something that was always unaffordable. I wanted Option 3. Thus the name of my company, Option 3 Media, and a new dream became a reality.
As of today, I have kept my dream alive. Through thick or thin...I am still dreaming. Even though I haven't made a single film yet and become Mr. Spielberg, I have accomplished quite a lot of personal goals over the last 20yrs of my career. Earlier I asked you, are you a Realist or a Dreamer. Did you choose one that best suited you? I know I did. I chose.....Option 3....both. I believe that we don't have to be one or the other to reach our goals in life. And as Rocky Balboa once said, "Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!"
I'm here to tell all the young dreamers out there, "never, never, never give up"! Keep moving forward.
I know I will. :)
George Lucas once said, "Dreams are extremely important. You can't do it, unless you imagine it." As he had one of the biggest dreams of all...I tend to believe he was right. In today's world, society has basically divided itself into two primary categories, The Realist and The Dreamers. But which one should we be and which one are you? I know that for the first part of my life, without a doubt, I WAS A DREAMER. No doubt about it, I had big dreams for myself. I was going to grow up and become a famous Film Director and nothing was going to get in my way of that. Period. End of Discussion. (Wave of the Force Hand here) These aren't the Droids you're looking for. You can go about your business. Move along...move along.
I wish I had had a bad feeling about that when I was younger, because I should've known that I wasn't going to be the next George Lucas or Steven Spielberg.
With each passing year that went by, my Big dreams for myself kept getting further and further out of reach. Sure there were occasions that I went left, when I clearly was supposed to go right. There were also everyday life situations that clearly didn't help my dreams become a reality either. But I kept trying to stay involved in movies and television no matter what. By the time I reached High School, I began making short films and even volunteered at the local PBS Channel. I needed to keep my eye on the prize. I even went to MTSU and majored in TV Production with an emphasis in Digital Animation. Look out Hollywood and Pixar, here I come! After college, I became employed at the Shop at Home Network in Nashville; working my way up to Studio Supervisor. I figured that was a great place to learn about Studio Lighting...and it was. During my time there, life happened again...finding myself and pregnant wife of 9 months moving back to the city of my birth, Mobile Alabama. Decisions had to be made and it was time for The Realist in me to take control, settle down, have kids, a dog, mow the yard, clean the house. In other words, it was time to Stop being a Dreamer and become a REALIST.
Over the next several years, I went from working at a News Station to becoming an Educational TV Producer for a local school system. Along the way, I had some great learning experiences and made some wonderful friends. However, I still wasn't the Famous Man I originally dreamt I'd be at this point in my life.
Yes I settled down, have an awesome family and live on one of The Most Beautiful Islands in the Southeast United States....Orange Beach, Alabama. But something inside me was and is still motivating me to keep my Dreams Alive even today. You see, I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. Every crazy job we do, every new friend we make along the way...happens for a reason. It was time for me to take a stand and become a DREAMER again.
I launched the 1st ever Fairhope Film Festival. If I couldn't go to Hollywood, I would bring Hollywood to me. This festival was a blast! It was everything I had dreamt for so long. I met Actors, Directors, Writers and Producers. I met film fanatics like me whom we had so much in common. I was finally one giant step closer to reaching my End Goal and the festival went off without a single hitch. I had a success on my hands. Then...the Economy collapsed. The 2008 Recession was in full swing. My film festival and my new dream came to a sudden halt. Dream Over.
Ever since, my straight and easy path to Stardom, that I foresaw as a kid, has become a twisted, tangled labyrinth that's been continuously winding around and around thru adulthood. There were a lot of low times as finding a job in my field was non-existent. FACT - I went to an employment agency for career suggestions. I was told..."You need to move far away or change careers, because your field of expertise doesn't exist in this state." Wow, I couldn't believe that I was told to dream somewhere else or stop dreaming all together. Something needed to be done and fast.
After a brief stint at a local tourism channel in Gulf Shores, my new media company, "Option 3 Media" was born. Here at O3M, we've done everything from Commercials, Documentaries, Music Videos, Corporate Videos and Educational Videos too. All we have left on bucket list that has yet to be fulfilled...Film! (But don't worry...I'm on my 2nd feature Script). :)
Now I frequently get asked, "What does Option 3 mean?" So growing up, I was always told that I had basically 2 Options to choose from. I could either wear this shirt or that shirt, eat this or that and so on and so on. But I didn't like having only 2 options to choose from...I wanted a 3rd Option; Something that always seemed unattainable, something that was always unaffordable. I wanted Option 3. Thus the name of my company, Option 3 Media, and a new dream became a reality.
As of today, I have kept my dream alive. Through thick or thin...I am still dreaming. Even though I haven't made a single film yet and become Mr. Spielberg, I have accomplished quite a lot of personal goals over the last 20yrs of my career. Earlier I asked you, are you a Realist or a Dreamer. Did you choose one that best suited you? I know I did. I chose.....Option 3....both. I believe that we don't have to be one or the other to reach our goals in life. And as Rocky Balboa once said, "Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!"
I'm here to tell all the young dreamers out there, "never, never, never give up"! Keep moving forward.
I know I will. :)